SW Washington MESA



Our vision is to inspire and prepare underrepresented students to pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) majors in higher education that will ultimately lead to innovative contributions and access into the global workplace as a STEM professional.



Our mission is to provide a pathway to college and careers in the STEM fields for traditionally underrepresented students, including African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic/Latinos, Pacific Islanders and women. We will engage students by providing enriching experiences, using exemplary instructional approaches in a variety of science, technology, and engineering related fields through a model of educational excellence and equity. We accomplish this through our partnerships with higher education, school districts, industry and businesses, government, community organizations, families, and alumni.


MESA is a nationally recognized organization for its innovative and effective academic development program that supports STEM education and equity for students. Washington MESA was established in 1982, in four Seattle high schools, serving 88 students and has grown to serving over 3,500 students through six centers across Washington State.

MESA counteracts the stereotypes and low expectations that underrepresented students struggle against by providing strategies that empowers parents, provides teacher training, and builds students skills and confidence. Students receive college preparation opportunities that serve as a catalyst for college readiness and graduation with STEM degrees.

  • MESA introduces and exposes middle school students to the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math that develops and nurtures their interest in STEM careers.
  • MESA prepares high school students with hands-on learning to excel in math and science and become competitively eligible for the most rigorous colleges and universities.
  • Teachers participating with MESA receive professional development training opportunities.
  • MESA builds academic confidence helping students see that college is possible and they are able to envision a career for themselves.